Open Insurance Dialogue


Marc Lampe


April 5, 2023

Do you actually know these fantastic 4 ️ -noses here?

Should you ❗ Because apart from concentrated 👊 charm 💘, humor, industry knowledge 📚 and enthusiasm ⚡️ Florian Toussaint, Julius Kretz, Sebastian Langrehr and Slobodan Pantelic In addition to your “main occupations”, the co-initiators and management of FRIDA - Free Insurance Data Initiative.

FRIDA, in turn, has set itself the goal of developing and setting standardized interfaces using an open-source approach in an insurance context. The PSD2 for insurance companies, so to speak.

I find this megacool, necessary and absolutely useful. That is why we are from Miss Moneypenny Technologies Also a member since 2021 and is actively involved in shaping. Thank you for the successful first Open Insurance Dialogue! It was a really good evening and I'm already looking forward to the next event.